How To submit your song for A&R

How To submit your song for A&R
Your song is the first impression you make on your audience. It’s the first thing that gets their attention and is an introduction to your brand. It’s also one of the most essential marketing tools for any artist.
When submitting your music for A&R DUTY, you need to keep in mind that there are no rules in this game. The best way to get noticed is by doing something different from everyone else, but here are some things to keep in mind:
1) Don’t send more than one track at a time
2) Make sure it has a good mixdown so it sounds good on every speaker/device
3) Have some kind of social media presence so people can find out more about you (Instagram, TikTok, website, Facebook page, etc.)
4) Send links directly to your YouTube videos or SoundCloud profile if possible. It makes it easier for A&Rs to check out your content without having to look for it themselves
Here are the steps you must follow before sending in a song for A&R DUTY
The submission process is the same for both A&R DUTY and A&R HIRES.
Submission Requirements
All submissions must be sent to the email address provided on our site – submissions sent to any other email address will not be considered.
All submissions must include:
A cover letter that includes your name, contact information, and a brief bio describing your musical background and experience. The cover letter should also include your preferred genre(s) of music and whether or not you’re interested in being signed as an A&R, artist, or producer.
A link to download one MP3 file of the song you would like considered (320 kbps mp3 format). If you don’t have a Dropbox account or similar service, use Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc., to send us an email with a link to download the file.
Thanks for taking the time to learn how to successfully submit your music for A&R DUTY consideration. We hope that you send us some great music, we will review it and get back to you with a decision as soon as possible. Keep in mind, if our team loves it, we can’t guarantee that anything will happen without a deal in place. Thanks again!
So, this is a very basic outline for how to submit your song for A&R. We’re going to cover two major avenues: getting your song heard by A&R directly, and then getting it heard through companies in the industry that provide A&R coverage as part of their services.